Green Gram, also known as Moong, is a versatile and nutritious pulse that comes in two popular forms: Split Green Gram (Moong Dal) and Whole Green Gram.
Split Green Gram (Moong Dal) features a bright yellow color and a soft texture when cooked. Its mild flavor makes it perfect for a variety of dishes, including soups, dals, and stir-fries. Rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, Moong Dal is an excellent choice for healthy, plant-based meals.
On the other hand, Whole Green Gram retains its outer green skin, offering a nutty flavor and a firm texture. This variety is commonly used in salads, curries, and snacks, providing a delightful crunch. Whole Green Gram is packed with protein, fiber, and antioxidants, supporting digestive health and boosting energy levels.
Availability: In Stock
Category: Pulses
Tags: Green Gram, Moong, Moong Dal, Pulses, Plant-based Protein, Nutritious